Saturday, 28 April 2012

Free Comic Book Day is soon!

                                          Free Comic Book Day is almost upon us again.

An event that is annually set aside to celebrate comics and to encourage lapsed or new readers, it's all happening next Saturday the 5th of May 2012.  (At a comic shop near you.)

Oh and there are free comic books too - did I mention that?

Myself and The Boy Wonder will be doing a little tour of a couple of great comics shops to celebrate the day.
First up is the great Chaos City Comics at 20 Heritage Close, St Albans, Herts, UK, AL3 4EB  and my own personal LCS ( If you are a follower of this blog you'll know what a great place this is for the comics fan. Run by manager Derek and assistant manager and budding artist Luke (have a look at some of his great art over at ) it's a shop with a real sense of community.
Along with the comics and collectables there will be a signing and sketch session by red hot artist Marc Laming. ( or on Twitter at @monkey_marc) His work has included American Century for DC Comics, The Rinse for Boom Comics and he is currently knocking it out of the park with his art on Boom's Planet of the Apes books (covers and interior art on Exile on the Planet of the Apes with Gabriel Hardman).

A great POTA sketch by Marc Laming.

This should be excellent and can't wait to get a sketch from Marc. This guy is moments away from being snapped up by one if the big two and it'll be great to get some original art from him.

If you are local to St Albans why not pop along and buy some comics and enjoy the atmosphere of the day.
Then it's on to Dead Universe Comics at Unit 10, the Cloisters, 31 Great Western Street, Friars Shopping Arcade, Aylesbury.  (Have a look at Dead Universe Comics on Facebook).  Run by the ever enthusiastic Ian. 

Dead Uniuverse  has the following planned for FCBD.

'There will be comic signings by local creators Aylesbury Dead, Little Terrors, Popcorn the Comic and Japan Comic Aid, plus other announcements for future titles being published by Dead Universe Comics. Several thousand comics and related items will be given away on the day in grab bags for Children, Teens and Adults.There will be a costume parade ( Time and details to be announced shortly), Face painting, Raffle & Tombola.
We will also be holding demonstrations for trading cards games: Magic the Gathering & Yu-Gi-Oh, plus heroclix, board and role playing games too.'

Sounds like a great day for comics fans in Aylesbury and well worth a visit.

If you are about and see myself and The Boy Wonder on our day out make sure that you say hi.



  1. wont be at the cloisters then :) will be upstairs near bhs
