Friday 29 June 2018

Kickstarter Corner - ‘Errol vs Evil’ by Darrell Thorpe.

Errol Vs Evil.

Created by Darrell Thorpe.

Full Colour - 48 pages - A4 Comic.

Get on it!

I’ve followed the work of Darrell Thorpe for a couple of years. Simply put he’s a machine of comics fun, great ideas and infectious energy. If Frank Zappa was alive today, decided to make an all ages comic and could just pour his brain onto a page this is what it would look like. Imagination infests the animals and weird creatures of Errol Vs Evil, I’ve been lucky enough to see the first twenty pages of this new project and it’s a cracker.

Here’s what Darrell himself has to say about it....

‘Erol Vs Evil is the first comic to come out of the FreeDoom realm.  It's a one shot comic following Erol the bonehead and his quest to become a member of the infamous "Piece Brigade". 

Along the way you'll meet odd characters that litter this realm of chaos and apples. 

But more importantly you'll get to hang with Erol the bonehead and join him on his epic crusade.

So jump in and back this comic to see if Erol can survive!

Will he level up and will he ever find his father?  

All these questions and more will or will not be answered in this fun A4 size comic. 

Suitable for Adults and kids with a sense of humour.’

Make sure you back this project and if you can get some of Darrell’s original art into the bargain. I’ve got some amazing pages from him and they they are full of instinctual vigour and a great grasp of ink and paper. 

The Kickstarter video also made me chuckle (big shout out to Nick Prolix for assisting in it’s production).

Search this fellow out at and find him on Twitter @mrforpe.

Many thanks for reading.

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