Monday, 11 February 2019

Still Alive.

Hey folks! Apologies for the radio silence in the last couple of weeks.  Don’t worry I’m still alive.

It’s been a busy couple of weeks on the comics front.

We had a great launch of issue four of Awesome Comics and ‘How to Make Comics with Springworth’ at True Believers on the 2nd of February. They both went down a storm and we’ve been getting some great feedback from parents and kids who have thrown themselves into drawing Punchy and his pals.

Here’s the link to buy yourself some Springworth from Waterstones!

You can also head over to the Little Heroes website and grab a copy there

Shhh but it’s a secret but myself and Andy Hanks have started working on something new so watch this space. I’m busy plotting it right now.

It also goes without saying that you’ll also need a copy of the new Awesome Comic. Issue number 4 rounds out the three stories and we have had a ball producing this series. There may even, possibly, be something else in the pipe (ain’t that right Mr Cumber?). So head over to our store and grab a copy

In other news I’ve been to Spain visiting Pat and Lisa Mills as part of a retirement present to myself. It’s been a blast and they have looked after me and hours have been spent shooting the breeze over an awful lot of red wine.

Here are a couple of pictures of Pat with some familiar comics. He was kind enough to do this and proof if it was ever needed what a gent he is! If all goes to plan we’ll have a short interview for the pod with some of his exciting new plans.

Pat is running a series of articles called ‘Storyteller’ that break down the comics creation process and are like crack to fans of writing like myself. They are highly recommended and you can find them here

Here is also a photo of the office for the week!

So...fuck you all, I’m off to write about a brave robot, a strange movie star, a prostitute (obviously) and read some more comics.

Catch ya soon.