I hope that you’ll forgive me a small amount of self promotion for just a moment.

35 pages - Colour and Black and White.
£1.50 digital / £3.50 physical.
I’m very proud to say that we have released the first issue of ‘The Whore Chronicles’ this week. A collection of comics, prose and pin-ups written by myself with some cracking art from Vince Hunt (Look at that cover! My pod brother was also designer/editor on this book), Rachael Ball, Sarah Harris, Tom Curry, Rik Jackson, Charles H. Raymond and Stuart Mulrain. Everyone delivered with enthusiasm and on time. Thanks to them all for throwing themselves into this very niche project.

(‘Shelly’ with art by Rachael Ball).
‘The Whore Chronicles’? Sure it’s a shocking title. It’s there as something of a warning I suppose. If you object to the title then there is a good chance that you will react badly to the interiors. At no point have I held back in the writing and the retelling of the stories in this collection. They are all true in detail, spirit and context to the women telling us of their lives. I have obviously changed some aspects like names and appearance to protect the identities. I found myself, in the most part, in the company of these women through a previous occupation. I would sit there and listen to their stories and watch their lives spill out through chatter, appearance, behaviour and their interactions with others.

(‘Peggy’ with art by Sarah Harris).
These women are not the cliches we see in the media, film, television and yes in our beloved comics. These women feel, sound and look real because they are real. I urge you to listen to their tales that are outrageous, gross, extreme, funny and more.
They are all different. They are not a stereotype or a cliche.

(‘Sasha’ with art by Charles H. Raymond).
If you get a chance head over to https://beyondthestreets.org.uk a UK charity who see the possibility of a life beyond the streets and drop them some money.
If you have any cash left then head over to https://neverironanything.bigcartel.com/product/the-whore-chronicles-physical-copy
Digital Copy - £1.50
Physical Copy - £3.50.
Many thanks for reading.